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No Attorney-Client Relationship: Please be aware that reaching out to The Law Office of Joel Chorny via our website or through email does not create an attorney-client relationship. Such a relationship is only established once a formal agreement has been made between you and our office.
Confidentiality Not Guaranteed: It is important to note that the security of initial communications sent through this website or via email cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, please refrain from including any confidential or sensitive information in your initial messages. Confidentiality will be maintained once an attorney-client relationship has been formally established.
Conflict of Interest Check: Prior to establishing an attorney-client relationship, The Law Office of Joel Chorny must conduct a conflict of interest check. This is to ensure that your case does not present any conflicts with our existing or past client engagements.
Initial Consultation Process: For inquiries about potential representation, kindly provide only the basic details of your matter, along with your contact information. You will be contacted to discuss the next steps, including the conflict of interest check and how we can proceed with a more detailed consultation.
No Legal Advice in Initial Contact: Please be advised that no legal advice will be provided during your initial contact with The Law Office of Joel Chorny. Legal advice is offered only after an attorney-client relationship has been established and a comprehensive understanding of your legal matter has been developed.
Acknowledgment: By using this contact form, you acknowledge your understanding and acceptance of the terms outlined in this disclaimer.