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What To Do When You Suspect You Are About To Be Arrested or Charged With a Crime?

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October 28, 2023


When the possibility of an arrest or criminal charges looms over you, it can be an incredibly stressful and uncertain time. Whether you believe you’ve done something wrong or not, understanding how to navigate this situation is crucial. This guide is designed to provide clear, practical advice for anyone who finds themselves in the daunting position of potentially facing criminal charges. Knowing your rights and the appropriate steps to take can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Section 1: Understanding Your Rights

  • Your Rights are Your Shield: In the face of potential legal troubles, your rights are your most powerful tool. Key among these are your right to remain silent and your right to an attorney. The right to remain silent means you do not have to answer any questions posed by law enforcement officials without an attorney present. In some jurisdictions, including Arizona, you may be obligated to provide the police with your real legal name, so do not refuse to give your name, but do refuse to answer any other questions without your attorney present. This is crucial because anything you say can be used against you in court. The right to an attorney means you can (and should) seek legal representation to navigate the complexities of the law and protect your interests.

Section 2: Steps to Take Before an Arrest

  • Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney: If you suspect that you might be arrested or charged with a crime, it’s essential to consult with a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. An experienced lawyer can provide guidance specific to your situation, help you understand the potential charges, and start formulating a defense strategy.
  • Avoid Discussing Your Case: It’s natural to want to explain your side of the story or discuss your concerns with friends and family. However, it’s crucial to avoid discussing any details of your case with anyone but your attorney. Innocent remarks can sometimes be misinterpreted and used against you.
  • Preserve Evidence and Documentation: If you have any evidence or documents that may be relevant to your case, make sure to preserve them. This could include text messages, emails, photographs, or any other form of evidence that might support your defense.

Section 3: During the Arrest

  • Stay Calm and Compliant: If you find yourself in the process of being arrested, it’s paramount to stay calm. Panicking or resisting arrest can lead to additional charges and complicate your situation. Remember, an arrest does not mean you are guilty; it’s a procedural step in the legal process.
  • Exercise Your Rights: Upon arrest, you have the right to know the charges against you. Exercise your right to remain silent and politely inform the arresting officers that you wish to speak to your attorney. This is not an admission of guilt; it’s a smart exercise of your legal rights.
  • Do Not Consent to Searches: Unless law enforcement has a warrant, you are generally not required to consent to any searches of your person, car, or home. Politely declining a search is within your rights and can be an important aspect of your defense.

Section 4: After the Arrest

  • Meeting with Your Attorney: Once you have the opportunity to meet with your attorney, be as forthcoming as possible. The details you provide will form the foundation of your defense. Remember, attorney-client privilege ensures that what you discuss with your lawyer remains confidential.
  • Bail and Bond Considerations: Depending on the nature of the charges, you may be given the option for bail. Your attorney can guide you through this process, helping you understand the terms and whether it’s in your best interest to post bail.
  • Preparing for the Legal Process: The legal process following an arrest can be complex and intimidating. Your attorney will guide you through each step, from arraignments to potential plea bargains or trial preparations. Understanding this process and what to expect can help reduce anxiety and prepare you for the road ahead.


Facing the possibility of an arrest or criminal charges is a situation no one wants to find themselves in. However, being informed about your rights and the steps you should take can significantly impact the outcome. Remember, the guidance provided here is general in nature, and every situation is unique. Seeking personalized legal advice from a qualified criminal defense attorney is always the best course of action.

If you or someone you know is facing potential criminal charges, don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation. Understanding your specific situation is the first step in mounting an effective defense.